On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 6:32 AM, Pjotr Prins <pjotr.publi...@thebird.nl> wrote:
> We should propose a Guile + Guix developers track for FOSDEM. They usually 
> have
> Ruby/Perl/Python dev tracks, so Guile will fit right in. I am sure we can
> generate enough interesting talks on aspects of Guix packaging, for one.

That would be awesome.

> Deadline for dev room proposals is half September.
> Anyone want to help organise this or even take the lead? And talks that can be
> had? We can have a hackathon one day before (or after) FOSDEM too.
> And who else can (with some likelihood) come to Brussels if February? FOSDEM 
> is
> my favorite conference and there is something for everyone involved in FOSS.

I'd love to go, but I'm not sure if I can make it since it's across
the Atlantic and I have a bit of a flying phobia.

Whether or not I'm there, I'd really like to see a good Guile/Guix
presence at FOSDEM. :)

- Dave

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