Am Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:38:39 +0200 schrieb Christian Thaeter <>:
> I am trying to get GSD running inside a kvm (debian jessy, with a > vanilla 4,0 kernel) but having problems to boot the system. Yay, i've now installed a basic debian, build guix from source, did a guix pull, then system init on another virtual drive and booting into that. IT WORKS! I have no clue what the error was with the usb-install image, tough. Well now I can start playing with GuixSD. Christian > > The system configuration is pretty much the same as from the example, > just changed username, filesystem label and type to ext4. > > I've used 'gsd-usb-install-0.8.1.x86_64-linux' for installation. > > The first try failed, when rebooting the kernel can't be found. > > (sorry, no c'n'paste from the > vm) > > investigating the case from the grub commandline reveals that grub is > unable to read the /gnu/store > > > This seems to be a problem with the emulated SATA disk. > > When reconfiguring the disk to IDE or Virtio it starts booting but > ends up in a kernel panic > > > killing init? wtf.... anyone has an idea what could be going wrong > there? > > Christian >