On 2015-03-01 10:14, l...@gnu.org wrote:
Luis Felipe López Acevedo <felipe.lo...@openmailbox.org> skribis:
El jue, 12-02-2015 a las 23:34 +0100, Ricardo Wurmus escribió:
- The SLiM theme is blue whereas the GRUB theme (and the colour theme
Ludo's slides) is orange. Will the SLiM theme's colours eventually
I made the SLiM theme use the same default desktop background to
a smooth transition to the desktop after logging on (in a default
But I'm not against using black/orange backgrounds on GRUB and SLiM. I
attach an example.
So, what about using the black-background version for SLiM? You seemed
to be slightly reluctant to that maybe?
Ah, sorry, I got distracted with the website design and never pushed the
black version to the repository. I'll do this today.
I'm fine with any of the versions, really. So I'll leave the decision to
you :)