On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 04:21:27PM +0100, Dirk Scheuring wrote:
> This is interesting. You seem to make packaging much easier than I
> thought it would be. I wonder why that is.

Most packages are easy, because they just require a few declarations.
One should start from easy ones, learn and move on to more complex ones.

> Moreover, there are production workflows which depend on Ardour being
> connected to other programs (5) which in turn depend on JACK. So I
> thought that I would have to track down all those interdependencies
> between programs, and include knowledge about them, libraries, etc. in
> the package receipt. I have to learn how to do that before I can
> seriously contribute, don't I?

I am not sure what you mean exactly. As Ricardo said, sometimes it is
only necessary to recursively track down the dependencies ("inputs")
of a package and then package first the ones with no inputs themselves.
And then the ones which have only inputs that you have already packaged.
And so on.

> Or am I overcomplicating things here? Thanks for any advice,

Maybe. I would suggest to start working with the Guix package manager
on top of your current system, check whether the packages we already have
satisfy your needs and start packaging the others, or file bug reports
and patches for packages that do not work as expected. It requires practice,
but not necessarily to understand everything from the start!


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