Cyril Roelandt <> skribis:

> That's cool, though I find your lack of tests disturbing.

:-) I admit I took the usual approach of “oh but all this is untestable,
it requires the web and all that.”  I realize we can certainly do
better, using Guile’s web server for instance.  I’ll see what I can do.

> I'll do the same for URIs, so that it is easier to detect un-buildable
> software. I'll send a patch soon enough.

Glad you propose; I thought about it too.

> Maybe we could have a cron job that runs those checkers every day and
> mails the list with a summary of the broken links ?

Definitely.  Either that or create an HTML page listing all the defects.
That would mean adding HTML output to ‘guix lint’, which is a bit of
work, but not too hard, I think.


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