
I released Guile-SSH 0.7.1 [1] in which some of the issues should be
fixed.  Namely the issue with failing `key.scm' tests should no longer
be seen.  But you do need a patch [2] to make libssh 0.6.3 work with
GCrypt, otherwise Guile-SSH `server-handle-key-exchange' procedure will
fail (and thus the tests that involve communication between a client and
a server will fail as well).

> I think one would need to use libgcrypt 1.6 for that, but libssh 0.6.3
> doesn’t build with 1.6.

libssh 0.6.3 requires libgcrypt 1.5.0 or later.  I compiled libssh 0.6.3
with libgcrypt 1.5.4 and the patch applied; there are no test failures
seen with Guile-SSH 0.7.1 in this case.

Hope this helps.

- Artyom

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2014-10/msg00016.html

Artyom V. Poptsov <poptsov.art...@gmail.com>;  GPG Key: 0898A02F
Home page: http://poptsov-artyom.narod.ru/

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