John Darrington <> skribis: > On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 11:47:41AM +0200, Ludovic Court??s wrote: > The video of my talk at the 2014 GHM is now online: > > > > (Sound is not very good.) > > This seems to be a recurring problem with GHM videos. Making good quality > audio/video recordings requires equipment and skill.
I’m not skilled ;-), but I thought that given that speakers were wearing RF microphones, sound would be better. I’m not sure why it turned out not to be the case. > Since we traditionally, don't have any "proceedings", the videos are the only > recoding of the meetings. Does anyone have any suggestions how we could > ensure > that we get consistently good recordings? IRILL and Debian have professional equipment that they kindly lent us for the GHM editions in Paris, and they occasionally lend it for other conferences as well. Perhaps we could ask them again, or find similar institutions that can help? But then again, beyond equipment, all this takes a lot of time both during and after the conference, and I’m really grateful for the effort that Luca, Sree, Matthias, Bernd, and others have put in that. Ludo’.