Update of sr #108565 (project administration):

                  Status:                    None => Done                   
             Assigned to:                    None => rwp                    
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #1:


Recently people have been preferring the git_multimail.py notifications over
the previous flavor.


That is what I set up by default when this is requested now.  You can see an
example of this type of output in the emacs-elpa-diffs archive here.


If you don't like that then I can set up the other git post receive
notification hook.  But if you do then this is a nice time to change both over
to the new style.

Would you like me to change guix-commits over to the git_multimail style
notification too so that they will be the same as each other?  I am trying to
keep most things all doing the same thing so it would be nice from my
perspective to do this conversion so that all are the same, but not critical.


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