Hi Guile,
I'm developping a guix extension that only extends parts of guix pull, so I don't want neither to copy/rewrite the whole file, neither to forceably use @@ imports everywhere. I've found this solution, which is a bit ugly still, when I apply it to several functions in particular ; is there a more convenient way to define such a thing? (define (stack-parse-command-line args) (eval `(begin (reload-module (current-module)) (define (no-arguments arg _) (leave (G_ "~A: extraneous argument~%") arg)) (let* ((%options (cons* (option '(#\f "force") #f #f (lambda (opt name arg result) (alist-cons 'force? #t result))) %options)) (opts (parse-command-line ',args %options (list %default-options) #:argument-handler no-arguments)) (unsupported '(ref repository-url))) (remove (lambda (item) (member (car item) unsupported)) opts))) (resolve-module '(guix scripts pull) #:ensure #f))) Thanks! -- Best regards, Nicolas Graves