Hi Vivien!
I'm also interested in Hoot for potential web frontend in Scheme.

Back to your case, as I understand, Hoot reused part of Guile code, include
Maybe not complete yet, but it contains gettext, and G_ is its short hand.

I saw you implemented a simple G_ macro, is there any reason that it can't
meet your requirements? Or you just happend to not know it exited in Hoot?

Best regards.
Best regards.

On Sat, Dec 21, 2024, 18:31 Vivien Kraus <viv...@planete-kraus.eu> wrote:

> Dear Guile users,
> I am very excited about Hoot, but there is one aspect I was not
> satisfied with: internationalization. Since it is usually done with
> gettext, it requires a C library at run-time. Hoot programs can’t
> unfortunately use that.
> With your help, I managed to understand how I could rewrite code with
> macros.
> Thanks to this knowledge, I was able to create a small library for
> static and pure Scheme internationalization.
> It works like this
> (https://labo.planete-kraus.eu/guile-static-i18n.git/tree/example.scm):
> (define-module (example)
>   #:use-module (static-i18n)
>   #:declarative? #t
>   #:export (main))
> ;; We have to tell where the pot file lives at expansion time.
> (eval-when (expand)
>   (project-pot-file
>    (string-append (dirname (current-filename)) "/example.pot"))
>   (project-po-directory
>    (string-append (dirname (current-filename)) "/example-po")))
> ;; collect-strings updates a PO template file, regenerates PO files,
> ;; and use them to provide translations for any calls to G_.
> (collect-strings
>  ;; This is defined at the top-level.
>  (define (main args)
>    ;; current-locale-order is parameterized by a list of locale names
>    ;; to try in order.
>    (parameterize ((current-locale-order '("de" "fr" "en")))
>      ;; Note how you can use (G_ context message) to register a new
>      ;; record, without having to call xgettext.
>      (format #t (G_ "GREETING" "Hello, world!~%")))))
> (main (command-line))
> Once expanded, every call to G_ will have all possible translations
> compiled in, and the correct one will be chosen according to a list of
> preference for the user (a run-time Guile parameter).
> The big downside is, it doesn’t support plurals. However, I believe it
> can be useful!
> https://labo.planete-kraus.eu/guile-static-i18n.git
> Best regards,
> Vivien

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