➢ It's unnecessary to manually load .go files. You can pre-compile .scm to .go 
and install to the compiled-load-path. And put .scm to load-path, if your path 
is correct, and if the .scm is no newer than .go, Guile will automatically load 
.go directly without auto-compilation.
Neither is it necessary (at least, should be necessary) to manually load the 
.scm file instead. In some cases its pointless indirection. With directly 
loading the .go, sometimes fewer paths need to be adjusted.
Also, you don’t only need to install to compiled-load-path, you may also need 
to adjust compiled-load-path (e.g. if you don’t have the permissions to add 
things to the directories of the default path, or if adding to those 
directories is the wrong thing to do (both of these are the case in Guix, for 
(All case-dependent)

Best regards,
Maxime Devos

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