Not entirely sure what you are asking for, but have you looked at chapter 9
of the reference manual "Guile Implementation"?

Best regards,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 6:28 PM Marius via General Guile related
discussions <> wrote:

> Good evening,
> On the summer holidays I've read part of the Guile Reference Manual
> (mostly API) while I was learning how to use Guix (because it uses Guile).
> I really liked a lot of lispy concepts that were totally new to me.
> I was wondering if there is any material that discuses the barebones
> backend syntax and implementation of Guile. Maybe there is material and
> exercices about the barebones implementation of Guile that I'm missing. So
> basically before performing an integral I want to know what is the real
> number set.
> Thank you,
> Marius.

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