G-Golf version 0.8.0~rc5-2 has been released in Debian. See https://www.iki.fi/tohoyn/g-golf-debian/ and https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/g-golf.

The Guile bytecode files in the new binary packages are now compatible with the present version of Guile in Debian testing and unstable.

     - Tommi Höynälänmaa

Kotisivu / Homepage: http://www.iki.fi/tohoyn/
Sähköposti / E-Mail: tommi.hoynalan...@iki.fi
GPG-sormenjälki / GPG fingerprint:
55F4 2477 7155 3528 5CB2 2B7A BB86 1FDE 4046 0F83
FT, Debian-ylläpitäjä / PhD, Debian Maintainer

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