On Wed, May 22, 2024 at 10:08 PM Jeronimo Pellegrini <j...@aleph0.info> wrote:

> A: (cond (#t (define x 7) x))
> B: (cond (else (define x 7) x))
> | system      | A     | B     |
> |-------------|-------|-------|
> | Bigloo      | 7     | 7     |
> | Biwa        | 7     | 7     |
> | Chez        | error | 7     |
> | Chibi       | error | 7     |

In chez:

> (cond (else (define x 7) x))
> x

which looks like a bug to me. You may check if x is defined outside of
the cond expression in the other implementations which do not raise an
error too?

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