Hi Florian, > Hi David. I’m trying to find the true error location.
The true error location was given by the gdb backtrace, the gtk-widget-snapshot-child call, presumably with a bad pointer or so ... Could you please upload a full gdb backtrace somewhere tor-friendly (and zero javascript), so i can look at it, thanks. > Could you tell me if, when you run such commands in guile in your > Debian setup, you get similar output? First with tracepoint: With all due respect, this will get you nowhere, please upload the full gdb backtrace ... thanks > ... > (guile:8143): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:34:10.905: Unable to acquire the > address of the accessibility bus: > ... Unlike you said in another mail, this can definitely be solved, please talk to the guix gnome team, upstream devs if necessary, compare with what other distro do, use the gnome-calendar to track and fix this problem ... not fundamental, but you'll learn on the way to fix this, and those warnings are quite annoying, not to mention that they scare your (Guix) users. Meanwhile, can you try: cd /your/path/to//examples/gtk-4 export GTK_A11Y=none ./drawing-widget.scm and see if that suppresses the warning as suggested? Thanks, David ps: what is your guix host distro?
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