Morgan Smith writes:


> I have some more patches for emacsy.


> I apologize for the linting change.  I know it is a massive patch that
> will muddle the history and will make applying any pre-existing patches
> more difficult.  I normally try to avoid making such a change to a
> project if I can avoid it.

> However, the ".dir-locals.el" file made my Emacs delete trailing
> whitespace which was resulting in ugly patches.  Also running GNU indent
> was apparently on the TODO list anyways.  So I decided to go ahead and
> run a simply lint script.

It's a good effort; it would (have) be(en) nice to run Emacs'
indent-region in the lint script, but I guess this simple lint
is much of an improvement already.

> I then went through all the tests to make everything consistent.


> I also started fixing some of the simple warnings I was getting (null
> termination error, unknown variable error).


> With these patches applied, the source should be easier to work with.  I
> am planning to start providing more exciting patches soon.

Great, applied to master.


Janneke Nieuwenhuizen <>  | GNU LilyPond
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