Hi all,

The next Guix London meetup is scheduled for Monday 11th December, 6 pm
London time (UTC) onward. 😃🤖🌈💻 Join us in person or online, address
and link below.

- In person, from 6:00 pm: 20 Farringdon St, EC4A 4AB
- Online, from 6:10 pm: https://meet.jit.si/london-guix-meetup


If you attend in person, please make sure you RSVP (either on meetup.com
or as an off-list reply to this mail) and share your full name (or a
nickname) so that we can register you at the building's reception.

The main part of the meetup will be a talk on G-expressions by Simon
Tournier. If you have any Guix or Guile related question or topic, there
should be time to talk about that too. All welcome!

# Agenda

- Kick-off (~5 mins): The meetup kicks off at 6:10 pm UTC (please arrive
  at 6:00 pm if you're attending in person, that gives us some leeway to
  sort access badges and other practicalities out) with a quick round of
  intros. If you like, you're welcome to briefly introduce yourself
  now. You're also welcome to jump on and off the call at any time.
- G-expressions, a talk by Simon Tournier (~30 mins + QA): Introduced in
  2021 as part of a significant refactoring, the "Big Change",
  G-expressions have become the regular tool for defining Guix
  packages. We will start with some Scheme core concepts such as
  quasiquote and unquote and then go to G-expressions. As an example, we
  will compute the Fibonacci sequence using G-expressions, derivations,
  and the Guix daemon.
- Open discussion (~30 mins): If you have any Guix related question or
  idea that you want to share with us, this is a great time to bring it

# Contact

For any question, please get in touch via any of the following channels:

- Arun: arunis...@systemreboot.net
- Fabio: m...@fabionatali.com and https://octodon.social/@fabionatali
- Guix Devel mailing list: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/guix-devel/

Guix London has no official ties with the Guix project. We commit to
promote the project and to always operate with the best intentions; any
mistake that we might make is due to us, Guix London, not the Guix

# Code of conduct

We, Guix London's organisers, intend to create an open, friendly, and
safe environment where people from the most diverse backgrounds can get
together, learn about, teach, and discuss Guix and related topics in a
welcoming and constructive way.

To this end, Guix London adheres to the Guix project's official Code of
Conduct, as published at this link. Please make sure you familiarise
with the document and that you share its principles, before attending
our events.

Should you—at any time before, during, or after one of our events—want
to raise an issue or discuss any CoC-related topic, please do not
hesitate to reach out to the organisers at the contacts below.

- Arun Isaac, arunis...@systemreboot.net
- Fabio Natali, m...@fabionatali.com

# Get involved

Should you be interested in becoming a Guix London organiser, please let
us know. It'd be great to have you onboard. No previous Guix knowledge
is required. If you're interested (or simply want to know more), do not
hesitate to reach out to us!

Similarly, if you want to present on any Guix-related topic at one of
our events, that's also great. We'd love to hear from you.


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