I'd like to ask a question regarding composite parameter types in

I'm trying to port my simple pygobject/gtk4 app into g-golf; & it's
been going pretty well; however, I've hit a roadblock. In the python
version, I define several `Gio.SimpleAction`s to attach to my
`Gtk.Application` with explicitly specified GVariantTypes, so that I
can activate them with arguments over D-Bus. The following works just
fine, allowing me to activate this action over the CLI via gdbus:

``` python
class OwnGtkApplication(Gtk.Application):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ## etc.
        new_simple_action = Gio.SimpleAction.new(
            "the_name", GLib.VariantType.new("(uus)")
        ## etc.

    ## later on
    def do_activate(self):
        ## etc.
            "activate", self.the_callback)
        ## etc.

    ## later on
    def the_callback(self, the_obj, the_param):
        one_uint32 = the_param.get_child_value(0).get_uint32()
        one_more = the_param.get_child_value(1).get_uint32()
        a_string = the_param.get_child_value(2).get_string()

        ## -- now use the extracted values

Under g-golf, however, I can't define a <g-simple-action> with
parameters. So the following runs:

``` guile
(define (activate app)
  (let* ;; etc., etc.,
    ((a-new-simple (make <g-simple-action> #:name "the_name")))

    (add-action app a-new-simple)
    (connect a-new-simple 'activate (lambda (s-action g-variant)
      (log-msg 'WARN g-variant)))

& the log message just prints `#f`; but whenever I try to add the
`#:parameter_type` keyword to `(make <g-simple-action>)`, I get an
unbound variable error. `glib-variant-type-new` doesn't seem to exist;
and I don't understand what `g-type-param-variant` does -- or whether
it's relevant to my case.

I've tried:
#:parameter-type `(,g-type-param-uint ,g-type-param-uint

But this gives me:
In procedure primitive-call-ip: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting PRIMITIVE_P): #<procedure 7f5412336940 (_ _ _ _ _ _ _)>

ERROR: In procedure foreign-call: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting POINTER_P): (#<procedure 7f5412e5b280 ()> #<procedure 7f5412e5b280 ()> #<procedure 7f5412e5b160 ()>)

... but then I'm back to square one; because I don't know how to
package a '(uus)' type, and return only the pointer to it.

I really hope that it's possible to do what I'm trying to do under Guile, because
I've really been enjoying my learning experience so far.


Alptekin Sanlı

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