
> I try to run the hello-world example with the manifest.scm:
> ...

I don't use guix and recommend that you ask for help in a guix ml or in
#guix, as this a guix problem, not a g-golf problem - all examples work
well upstream, in debian, and afaict, in freebsd.

> Maybe a separate issue - I see at
> https://www.gnu.org/software/g-golf/install.html:

> "G-Golf actually requires a patched version of guile-cairo that
> contains the following new interface (which is not in guile-cairo
> 1.11.2): cairo-pointer->context."

Right - but guile-cairo is only required if you are using guile-cairo
in your g-golf code, wrt examples, only for the animated-paintable and
simple-paintable examples do required guile-cairo. The hello-world, as
well as all other examples, including the adw1-demo, do not require


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