In pkgsrc we are pruning gnome2 (but have mate).  That's not about
guile, but it is causing a hard look at things that depend on gnome2.

We have guile-gnome 2.16.5, the most recent release, released in June of
2017.  I remember using something in 2004ish, but more for gtk than

Our package depends on guile 2.0.  I just tried to run calc.scm which I
remember from the old days, but it failed, perhaps  due to how we
namespace multiple guile versions.

I tried to find what guile-gnome has been replaced by, and remembered
g-wrap, but last release was 2015 and it's a FFI.

I then found guile-gtk, from 2007 which says to use guile-gnome.

I found guile-cairo, from 2020 which counts as recent, but "Guile-Cairo
is complete, wrapping almost all of the Cairo API." which does not seem
to be "you can use this to do random gtk3 things".

So: what is the current best way to do gtk3 (4?) from guile?

At this point I have no need, but I like to see guile things live on,
when it makes sense.  But it is seeming like tilting at windmills to
keep guile-gnome going.

What do other packaging systems do?  Debian 12 doesn't have guile-gnome
but it does have guile-cairo.


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