Friends, Guilers, Schemers, I am thrilled, pleased, et cetera to present you with the following: Guile Hoot can now compile real r7rs-small programs to code that runs in latest nightly browsers: You can try it yourself easily using Firefox or Chrome nightlies. Guix users using the nonguix channel can give it a try like so: guix shell google-chrome-unstable -- google-chrome-unstable \ Now scroll down. You'll pass some Scheme code (wow, it's so clear and readable!), you'll see some examples of Dave Thompson developing this against the developer WASM VM that Hoot ships with (wait say WHAT?! yes more on this soon), and then you'll see, in all its glory, a Wireworld canvas that you can modify and interact with yourself. And wait... is this running the scheme code right above it?!?! It sure is. We're doing it! Scheme in the browser is now a REAL THING! Not compiling a VM, compiling the program directly to Webassembly, using the browser's own GC, with tail call optimizations and all the things you want. Real. Scheme. In. The. Browser. As a first class citizen!!! The first release of Spritely's Hoot is coming soon. Get hyped. Get HYPED!!!! - Christine PS: In the meanwhile, if you're brave enough, you can try the whole toolkit yourself, with the example in the blogpost... we've got a guix shell file and a texinfo manual and everything: