seems a great work on array Lloda , for Guile , i can not use it directly
in Scheme+ because i search portable code compatible with Racket too (and
any scheme that support SRFI 105 curly infix), but perhaps there is not a
lot of work to port it , indeed your library seems very powerful ,make me
thing of Numpy arrays in pythons.
Thanks again.

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 6:37 PM lloda <> wrote:

> My library guile-newra (1) has quite general multidimensional array
> slicing. The indices can be linear ranges or arbitrary integer arrays and
> they can have any rank. You can also use the indexed array as write target.
> If all the indices are linear ranges then the operation is done without
> copies. It also has placeholders, so you can skip axes, like :  and ... in
> numpy. guile-newra's arrays are applicative, so you can do (thearray
> firstindex secondindex ...), without special brackets.
> You need wrappers to use it with Guile's native array types, so it may not
> be as convenient. Or maybe you don't need to handle arbitrary rank, then it
> might not be the best option. It's also far from finished, although the
> stuff I mentioned above does work.
> I didn't adopt Pythons -1 = end convention because in Guile arrays can
> have any base index, not necessarily 0 (whether that's a good idea or not).
> (1) <
> <
> <

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