Hello, i just released a new version of Scheme+ Scheme+ is an extension of the syntax of the Scheme language. Scheme+ makes it easy the assignment of Scheme objects in infix (works also in prefix) notation with a few new operators ← (or <-), [ ],⥆ (or <+) .
https://github.com/damien-mattei/Scheme-PLUS-for-Guile This new version adds operator precedence in the infix evaluator for operators,procedures and macros (example: or , and). Expressions like this can now be used in Scheme+: {5 * 3 + 2} 17 {xp <- {x - v * t} / (sqrt {1 - v ** 2 / c ** 2})} { 4 + 3 * 2 - 19 < 0 - 4} #t { #f or #f and (begin (display "BAD") (newline) #t)} #f Damien