Am Fr., 13. Jan. 2023 um 18:33 Uhr schrieb James Crake-Merani
> I was wondering if you guys are aware of any static site generators
> written in Guile. I'm looking for something that can be extended in
> Guile so I can write my own code for it in Scheme.

All you need is quasiquote, unquote and a function which formats SXML as XML.

 `("<!DOCTYPE html>"
   ,(let ((title "ceving"))
      `(html (@ (lang "de"))
              (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
              (title ,title))
              (h1 ,title)
              (ul (li (a (@ (href "1")) "Hello"))))))))

The example is for Chez, but does not use any fancy:

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