Thanks Ricardo.

I used your over-writes and modified my code below:

  (let* (
(uri  "";)
(data "{\"text\":\"Hello world!\"}")
(access-token "abcde....myaccesstoken")
(my-headers `((Content-type . "application/json")(authorization . (bearer .
,access-token))  ))
  (call-with-values (lambda () (http-request uri #:method 'POST #:body data
#:headers my-headers))
              (lambda (response body)
     (pretty-print response)
     (pretty-print (json-string->scm (utf8->string body)))))

the error body:

  "One or more parameters to your request was invalid.")
 ("title" . "Invalid Request")
      "Requests with bodies must have content-type of

>>Note that the POST endpoint for submitting tweets does not allow bearer
token authentication.

I am using Oauth2 with PKCE. I submit an authorization token to obtain and
access-token and refresh token. I can then successfully tweet with the
guile/curl code:

  (let* ((access-token "abcde....myaccesstoken")
(a "--header")
(b "Content-type: application/json")
(c (string-append "Authorization: Bearer " access-token))
(d "{\"text\":\"Yay! I’m Tweeting from the API!\"}")
    (system* "curl" "--cacert" "./ca/cacert.pem"  "-X" "POST" ""; a b a c "-d" d)

Note I am using an access token with "...Bearer...". A twitter bug? or I am
confused by the terminology. In any case works with curl but not guile

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