
I'm pleased to announce Guile State Machine Compiler (Guile-SMC), version

I'm hoping that it will ease the burden of writing format parsers and
other useful GNU Guile libraries for the community.

* What is Guile-SMC?

Guile-SMC is a state machine compiler that allows to describe finite
state machines (FSMs) in Scheme in terms of transition tables.  It is
capable to generate such transition tables from a PlantUML state
diagrams. [1]

A transition table can be verified and checked for dead-ends and
infinite loops.  Also Guile-SMC FSMs gather statistics when they run.

Guile-SMC comes with a Scheme program called 'smc' -- a state machine
compiler itself.  It produces a Scheme code for an FSM from the PlantUML
format.  This tool is meant to be called on a PlantUML file when a
program with a FSM is being built (for example, from a Makefile.)

* Usage examples

I wrote an INI[2] format parser to test the foundation ideas behind
Guile-SMC from the practical perspective:

Happy hacking,

- Artyom

1: https://plantuml.com/state-diagram
2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file

Artyom "avp" Poptsov <poptsov.art...@gmail.com>
CADR Hackerspace co-founder: https://cadrspace.ru/
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