On Thursday, May 6, 2021 11:16 AM, Taylan Kammer <taylan.kam...@gmail.com> 

> On 05.05.2021 15:47, Luis Felipe wrote:
> > Hi Taylan,
> > On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 6:39 AM, Taylan Kammer taylan.kam...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > On 04.05.2021 10:31, Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
> > >
> > > > The first 2 tests are surprisingly passing. This is also the reason, 
> > > > why I used
> > > > test-assert and manually wrote the (equal? ...) in the last test, to 
> > > > see,
> > > > whether it makes any difference. Indeed it does.
> > >
> > > The reference implementation of SRFI-64 (which is what Guile ships)
> > > doesn't seem to be written very well.
> > > I have an alternative implementation here, if you're interested:
> > > https://github.com/TaylanUB/scheme-srfis
> > > I'm not sure if the newest Guile is able to run it out of the box
> > > though. You might have to create some .scm symlinks to the .sld files.
> >
> > For what it's worth, I know about your implementation for a long time, but 
> > I've never tried to use it because I don't know where to start. Is it not 
> > possible to package these libraries so that users can simply install them 
> > as any other guile library? Say:
> > $ guix install r7rs-srfi-64
> > I see that Guile can be run with the "--r7rs" option "to better support 
> > R7RS"...
> Hmm, I had hoped that with the newest Guile, simply adding the repo's
> root directory to the load path would work, at least when invoked with
> the --r7rs switch, but it seems that Guile still chokes on library name
> parts that are integers. That's an incompatibility with r7rs that's not
> mentioned in the manual.

Ah, good to know.

> I guess the only way to make the modules work is to rename all the files
> and change the library names to not use integer parts.
> Maybe I'll make a guile-compatible standalone package for the SRFI-64
> implementation, since that's the most fancy thing in that repo.
> I might do it in the following days since I'm on a vacation, but... the
> vacation is supposed to be a vacation. :-) Work has been really burning
> me out in the last year.

Yeah, you should not work on vacation.

> If someone else feels like trying: all you have to do is rename .sld
> files to .scm, change the integer parts of the module names to symbols
> (e.g. s64 instead of 64), and rename the directory '64' accordingly.

That helps. I might even try it myself, thanks.

(But, really, at least for me, it would be ideal to have these libraries 

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