Sigh... I screwed up the example code.  Here's a fixed version:

    (use-modules (oop goops)
                 (srfi srfi-111))

    (define-class <meta> (<class>))

    (define (boxed-slot? slot)
      (get-keyword #:box? (slot-definition-options slot)))

    (define-method (compute-getter-method (class <meta>) slot)
      (if (boxed-slot? slot)
          (make <method>
            #:specializers (list class)
            #:procedure (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
                          (lambda (obj)
                            (unbox (slot-ref obj slot-name)))))

    (define-method (compute-setter-method (class <meta>) slot)
      (if (boxed-slot? slot)
          (make <method>
            #:specializers (list class <top>)
            #:procedure (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
                          (lambda (obj value)
                            (set-box! (slot-ref obj slot-name) value))))

    (define-class <redefinable-meta> (<meta> <redefinable-class>))

    (define-class <foo> ()
      (bar #:accessor bar #:box? #t #:init-form (box 123))
      #:metaclass <meta>)

    (define-class <redefinable-foo> ()
      (bar #:accessor bar #:box? #t #:init-form (box 123))
      #:metaclass <redefinable-meta>)

    ;; This works:
    (pk (+ (bar (make <foo>)) 456))

    ;; This throws an error:
    (pk (+ (bar (make <redefinable-foo>)) 456))

Attached is a quick patch I threw together that makes the example code
work.  Did I find a bug???

- Dave
From 04abf8eb62dd58fa3d7ff3f0924a4aff2cf000c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Thompson <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 11:04:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] goops: Preserve all slot options in redefinable classes.

 module/oop/goops.scm | 16 +++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/oop/goops.scm b/module/oop/goops.scm
index df6df4f7b..a80be6a7a 100644
--- a/module/oop/goops.scm
+++ b/module/oop/goops.scm
@@ -3081,18 +3081,20 @@ var{initargs}."
                                           (slot-definition-name s)))
                (ref (slot-definition-slot-ref/raw s*))
                (set! (slot-definition-slot-set! s*)))
-          (make (class-of s) #:name (slot-definition-name s)
-                #:getter (slot-definition-getter s)
-                #:setter (slot-definition-setter s)
-                #:accessor (slot-definition-accessor s)
-                #:init-keyword (slot-definition-init-keyword s)
-                #:init-thunk (slot-definition-init-thunk s)
+          (apply make (class-of s)
                 #:allocation #:virtual
                 ;; TODO: Make faster.
                 #:slot-ref (lambda (o)
                              (ref (slot-ref o 'indirect-slots)))
                 #:slot-set! (lambda (o v)
-                              (set! (slot-ref o 'indirect-slots) v)))))
+                              (set! (slot-ref o 'indirect-slots) v))
+                (let loop ((options (slot-definition-options s)))
+                  (match options
+                    (() '())
+                    (((or #:allocation #:slot-ref #:slot-set!) _ . rest)
+                     (loop rest))
+                    ((kw arg . rest)
+                     (cons* kw arg (loop rest))))))))
        (else s)))
     (unless (equal? (list-head slots (length static-slots))

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