Fredrik Salomonsson writes:

Hello Fredrik,

> Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> writes:
>> Some years ago, I created Guile mode for Emacs GUD and an initial
>> patch for the guile debugger to work with that
>> At the time, the guile debugger had a couple of bugs wrt setting
>> breakpoints and I'm afraid the code has bitrotted since then.
> That sounds exactly what I'm after. Did any of that get merged
> upstream? As I see guiler mentioned in the Emacs GUD docs [1].

Yes, the Emacs side got merged, try: M-x guiler RET

That was perhaps a bit premature, but Guile and Emacs had to be patched
in balance and I didn't expect the Guile side to be problematic.

The good news is that "someone" "only needs" to create a proper patch
for Guile :-)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> | GNU LilyPond
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