Hi Simen!

(comments in between)

On 07.07.20 13:05, Simen Endsjø wrote:
> Hi, I'm quite new to scheme/lisp and haven't coded in a dynamic
> language in many
> years. I notice there are some naming conventions, but I'm not sure
> how they are
> used/supposed to be used.
> - *symbol* :: ? Global scope variable?
> - SYMBOL :: ? Also global scope variable?
> - %symbol :: ? private function?
> - %symbol% :: ? private variable?

I have seen the % being used for objects. For example in the Racket docs
for its GUI library:

I am not sure, whether this is a Racket-only thing.

> - symbol* :: ? extended version of function with same name?
> - symbol? :: predicate function returning bool
> - symbol! :: Non-pure/mutating function?- <<symbol>> :: ?
> - <symbol> :: ? As a macro parameter, and symbol will be defined  in
> parent scope..?
> - <<symbol>> :: ?
> - type1->type2 :: convertion from type1 to type2
> What does all of these mean? Are some of them
> anti-patterns/deprecated? Are there others?
> I also see functions named type-operation and operation-type. Is one
> preferable to the other?



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