
Matt Wette <matt.we...@gmail.com> skribis:

> On 5/17/20 8:27 AM, Caleb Ristvedt wrote:
>> I'm trying to use unshare() with the CLONE_NEWUSER flag, but this
>> requires that the process be single-threaded (otherwise I always get
>> EINVAL). /proc/<guile-pid>/task has 6 entries when I launch guile, 5
>> after disabling automatic finalization. I can't seem to find a way to
>> get that down to 1. Is this feasible?
>> - reepca
> I don't this is possible without building guile using --without-threads
> argument to configure.  Otherwise, the mutl-threaded gc is included.

Yeah, there’s the GC marker threads, the finalization thread, and the
signal thread (started on the first call to the ‘sigaction’ procedure).
It’s crowded there.

It wonder if Guile should offer a documented way to stop the
finalization thread (as with ‘scm_set_automatic_finalization_enabled’,
but from Scheme) and the signal thread.


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