Dear maintainor of guile-lib.
I believe the special handling of <p> elements in (htmlprag) module to be a bug.
For example:

(use-modules (htmlprag))
(html->shtml "<html><body><div><p>text</p></div></body></html>")
; expected result (*TOP* (html (body (div (p "text")))))
; actual (*TOP* (html (body (div) (p "text"))))

Note that the <p> element is parsed outside the <div> element.
I attach the simple patch to remove the special case for <p> elements.

diff --git a/src/htmlprag.scm b/src/htmlprag.scm
index 3bd352b..df99612 100644
--- a/src/htmlprag.scm
+++ b/src/htmlprag.scm
@@ -1099,7 +1099,6 @@
               (meta     . (head))
               (noframes . (frameset))
               (option   . (select))
-              (p        . (body td th))
               (param    . (applet))
               (tbody    . (table))
               (td       . (tr))

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