Hi all, there is an ever stream of tickets to fix in the python clone made in guile. Usually I spend time testing some python submodule and in the process realizes issues with the current code base. I'm certain that there is quite a lot of bus still remaining.
My latest addition was the subprocess module, which exersisced the select code, the os module and a popen like implementation. In the process glitches in the name spacing was found and fixed for classes. (the name bounding in clasdefs are a let construct but the decorators can refer to the variable bindings (methods and assignments). I fixed the try exception mechanism when one issues a simple (raise). If in a contexts of a error handler, then the catched exception is resent. previously a simple Exception with no data was resent. Now most warnings that was spamming the python session have been quited. quite a lot of bugs have been found in the os module and fixed. With this I'm happy with the python on guile repo and just released a version 1.1 Repo: https://gitlab.com/python-on-guile/python-on-guile/tree/master Happy hacking