On Sun, 05 Jan 2020 21:15:52 +0100
Andy Wingo <wi...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Sun 01 Dec 2019 21:41, Chris Vine <vine35792...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Is this rewrite, and the new with-exception-handler procedure, an
> > opportunity to think about standardization of guile's implementation of
> > the R6RS/R7RS 'guard' form, or at least think about what is wanted for
> > 'guard'?
> >
> > The formal semantics (including specimen implementation) of 'guard' for
> > R6RS with the corrigendum to §7.1 of the standard library at
> > http://www.r6rs.org/r6rs-errata.html, and for R7RS without corrigendum
> > (at §4.2.7 and §7.3, page 72 of the standard), is:
> >
> > (i) to evaluate the guard body within a block with its own continuation
> > (as constructed by call/cc);
> >
> > (ii) if an exception is thrown, evaluate the handler (and its cond
> > clauses) in the dynamic context of the original caller of 'guard' via
> > that continuation;
> >
> > (iii) if no matching cond clause and no else clause is found, return to
> > the dynamic environment of the original 'raise' and re-raise the
> > exception with 'raise-continuable', even for non-continuable
> > exceptions.
> >
> > If a fully conforming R6RS/R7RS implementation runs this code:
> >
> >   (guard (exn [(equal? exn 5) #f])
> >     (guard (exn [(equal? exn 6) 'never-reached])
> >       (dynamic-wind
> >         (lambda () (display "in") (newline))
> >         (lambda () (raise 5))
> >         (lambda () (display "out") (newline)))))
> >
> > the code evaluates to #f and should print this:
> >
> >   in
> >   out
> >   in
> >   out
> >
> > In chez scheme it does so.  In most other implementations (including
> > guile and racket) it seems to print:
> >
> >   in
> >   out
> I really think the standards messed up regarding the specification of
> "guard":
>   http://scheme-reports.org/mail/scheme-reports/msg03247.html
> But those ships have sailed and are now lost at sea.  Guile currently
> has two separate implementations of "guard" for SRFI-34 (used by R7RS)
> and R6RS.  It would seem that besides not respecting the specification,
> the R6RS one is broken, as it expects the "cond" clauses to evaluate to
> a single value.
> For SRFI-34 (and R7RS), after the exception refactor, I did a re-write
> to give a shot at implementing the specified behavior.  It works with a
> caveat:  because it uses delimited continuations as the rewind
> mechanism, and Guile has a limitation that some delimited continuations
> can't be rewound (if the continuation bounces through C), then
> re-raising the exception fails because the context can't be rewound.
> This can cause previously working programs to break!
> Which makes me think, if call/cc (rather than call-with-prompt /
> abort-to-prompt) is necessary to implement "guard", we are in a bad
> place and we should specify something else.
> I have long thought that the right thing to do is this: we evaluate the
> "cond" tests in the dynamic environment of the "raise".  Then if a test
> succeeds, we unwind and run the corresponding consequent.  That way
> there's no rewinding.  Here's an implementation:
>   (define-syntax guard
>     (syntax-rules (else)
>       ((guard (var (t e e* ...) ...) body body* ...)
>        (let ((tag (make-prompt-tag)))
>          (call-with-prompt
>           tag
>           (lambda ()
>             (with-exception-handler
>              (lambda (var)
>                (cond
>                 (t (abort-to-prompt tag (lambda () e e* ...)))
>                 ...)
>                (raise var))
>              (lambda ()
>                body body* ...)))
>           (lambda (k thunk)
>             (thunk)))))))
> Though I think it might be reasonable to use "raise-continuable" instead
> of "raise" if nothing matches.

I have a 'try' macro which adopts the approach that if an exception
arises, the macro unwinds from the dynamic environment of the code
where the exception arose to the dynamic environment of the call to
'try', evaluates the cond clauses in that environment, and then if no
cond clause matches re-raises the exception in that environment with
'raise' (rather than 'raise-continuable').  In other words, it does
stack unwinding in the same way as exception implementations in almost
all other mainstream languages which use exceptions.  It would be
trivial to implement this with guile-3.0's with-exception-handler with
its unwind? argument set to true.

That is how I think it should be done, but it is inconsistent with the
specification for R6RS/R7RS 'guard'.  On the other hand, as you say it
does not seem feasible to implement in guile the R6RS/R7RS requirement
to unwind to the environment of the call to 'guard' when evaluating the
cond clauses, and then return to the environment of the original
exception in order to re-raise if no cond clause matches.  Furthermore
such a return is only relevant if the exception is to be re-raised with
'raise-continuable' instead of 'raise': it is pointless if the
exception is re-raised with 'raise' because with 'raise' you can never
get back there again.

So it appears that the choice for 'guard' in guile is between adopting
the approach of my 'try' macro (unwind and re-raise if necessary with
'raise'), or to do what you propose and not to unwind the stack when
evaluating the cond clause conditionals, and if no cond conditional
matches to re-raise with 'raise-continuable', or if one matches to
unwind and evaluate the cond consequent in the dynamic environment of

Or put another way, the choice is either to fail to comply with
R6RS/R7RS by re-raising with 'raise' instead of 'raise-continuable' (my
'try' macro), or to fail to comply with the requirement to evaluate the
cond clause conditionals in the dynamic environment of the call to
'guard' (your proposal).  Naturally I prefer the first approach, but
others may well disagree.

I am somewhat influenced by my view of 'raise-continuable'.  I don't
like it - how often does anyone use continuable exceptions, which seem
to be a reimplementation of common lisp restarts?  The only place where
I have seen restarts used is in building REPLs.  First, most other
experience leads me to believe that the place to decide whether recovery
is possible (and how to do it) in the event of an exceptional situation
arising is at the site of the exceptional situation, not somewhere up
the stack which varies dynamically and could be anywhere.  Secondly,
continuable exceptions can break resource management using dynamic
winds or re-throws - for example once you close a port on exit it is
closed and cannot be re-opened on re-entry without loss of information,
if it can be re-opened at all.  I see little practical use for them.


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