Hello Guile Users,

so I figured out an example for using channels, but I am not sure, if
that is the only way to get results from a fiber:

 (fibers channels)
 (ice-9 match))

;; Define a procedure to run in a fiber.
(define fiber1-proc
  (lambda (in-chan out-chan)
    ;; Look for mesages.
    (let loop ([received-proc (lambda (data) 'no-proc-received)])
          ;; Write arguments to the current output port, and return the last
          ;; argument. This will get the message received and write to current
          ;; output port an information, that the get-message procedure was
          ;; called.
          (pk 'fiber1-proc-called-get-message
              (get-message in-chan))
        ;; Match anything tagged as procedure and store it in the argument for
        ;; the named let.
        [('proc . proc)
         (loop proc)]
        ;; Match anything labeled as data and apply the stored procedure to
        ;; it. If no procedure has been received yet, use the default one.
        [('data . data)
         (put-message out-chan (received-proc data))
         ;; Loop again with the default procedure, awaiting a new procedure and
         ;; data for it.
         (loop (lambda (data) 'no-proc-received))]
        ;; Have a default reaction to anything, but the correctly tagged
        ;; messages.
         (put-message out-chan 'unrecognized-message)
         ;; Allow for unrecognized messages in between correct communication.
         (loop received-proc)])
      ;; Continue looking for messages.
      (loop received-proc))))

 (lambda ()
   (let ((fiber1-in-chan (make-channel))
         (fiber1-out-chan (make-channel)))
     ;; Spawn a fiber to run fiber1-proc, which internally looks for messages on
     ;; its in-channel.
      (lambda ()
        (fiber1-proc fiber1-in-chan fiber1-out-chan)))
     ;; Send a mssage to the fiber.
     (put-message fiber1-in-chan
                  ;; Send some tagged data, in this case the procedure to use.
                  (cons 'proc
                        ;; A procedure, which checks all things in data for
                        ;; whether they are even numbers and builds a list of
                        ;; the answers.
                        (lambda (data)
                          (let loop ([remaining-data data])
                             [(null? remaining-data) '()]
                              (cons (even? (car remaining-data))
                                    (loop (cdr remaining-data)))])))))
     ;; Then put the data on the channel.
     (put-message fiber1-in-chan
                  (cons 'data '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
     ;; Look for the answer on the out-channel of the fiber.
       #f "~a\n" (pk 'main-thread-called-peek
                     (get-message fiber1-out-chan))))

     ;; And then do it again.

     ;; Send a mssage to the fiber.
     (put-message fiber1-in-chan
                  ;; Send some tagged data, in this case the procedure to use.
                  (cons 'proc
                        ;; A procedure, which checks all things in data for
                        ;; whether they are even numbers and builds a list of
                        ;; the answers.
                        (lambda (data)
                          (let loop ([remaining-data data])
                             [(null? remaining-data) '()]
                              (cons (even? (car remaining-data))
                                    (loop (cdr remaining-data)))])))))
     ;; Then put the data on the channel.
     (put-message fiber1-in-chan
                  (cons 'data '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
     ;; Look for the answer on the out-channel of the fiber.
       #f "~a\n" (pk 'main-thread-called-peek
                     (get-message fiber1-out-chan)))))))

Is there another way or anything quite wrong in this example?

This way of communication between the fiber and the main process seems
in the style of Racket's places. Except that I can send normal
procedures / lambdas to the fiber, which is great on a single machine,
while I need to send serializable lambdas to Racket places (and I have
not gotten to do that yet).

Is there a restriction on the kind of lambdas I can send on a channel as
I did in the example above?



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