Hi Arne,

Am Fr., 8. Nov. 2019 um 21:04 Uhr schrieb Arne Babenhauserheide
> Hi,
> I had the recollection that lilypond nowadays can work with Guile 2, but
> when I checked right now in the docs, I saw them saying "Version 2.x of
> Guile is not currently supported"
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/included/compile.itexi;h=0abd68a9177912138f01055504f20721e4a507de;hb=HEAD#l85
> Do you know the state of using lilypond with modern Guile?

Due to the lack of manpower we don't get close to release any LilyPond
supporting guile-2.x.
Thus the known problems persist.
All low hanging fruits are done, though and speaking only for me: I
can't go deeper, it's beyond my depth.
Remember, I'm not even a programmer, but a musician, maybe an
ambitious musician ;)

Additionally I recently found something preventing our `make
test-baseline´ to work.
Probablly identified here:

Following the link you'll find a .zip containing several patches.
Applying them you'll get a successful
`make´ and `make doc` for every guile up to guile-2.9.4, but  as said
`make test-baseline´ fails.

> Does the lilypond in Guix use Guile 2?

No clue, I doubt, though.
> Does lilypond on Windows use Guile 2?


> Best wishes,
> Arne
> --
> Unpolitisch sein
> heißt politisch sein
> ohne es zu merken


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