Am Do., 8. Aug. 2019 um 22:19 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley
> Hi,
> recently I tested building LilyPond against guile-2.2.6 without
> success[*] and tried to investigate whether the problem is on the
> guile-side or at LilyPond (there are some patches which may or may not
> cause the problem).
> Though I stumbled across a problem which may be caused by guile or my
> naivity ...
> I had built guile-2.2.6 from the git repository and installed it via
> `sudo make install´
> Then I did (in/for a fresh repo):
>   git clone git:// ~/guile-2.2.4
>   cd guile-2.2.4/
>   git checkout v2.2.4
>   git checkout -b guile-2.2.4
>   sh
>   ./configure
>   make
> All successfull, then some tests:
>   ./meta/guile --version
>   -->  guile (GNU Guile) 2.2.4 [...]
>   ./meta/guile-config --version
>   --> guile-config - Guile version 2.2.4
> Then installed it systemwide
>   sudo make install
> And made some testings:
>   which guile
>   --> /usr/local/bin/guile
>   /usr/local/bin/guile --version
>   --> guile (GNU Guile)

Forgot to add:
  which guile-config
  --> /usr/local/bin/guile-config
  /usr/local/bin/guile-config --version
  --> guile-config - Guile version 2.2.4
> Obviously 2.2.4 was _not_ installed but 2.2.6 from another repo.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
>   Harm
> [*] To be more exact: `make´ succeeded for LilyPond, but `make
> test-baseline´ failed.

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