On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 4:50 PM Linus Björnstam <linus.inter...@fastmail.se> wrote:
If it is HAMTs or persistent vectors you want, I have a git repo of Andy's > Fash and Fector (functional hashmaps and functional.vectors). Fash lacks > some parts to become a fast implementation of (srfi 146 hash), Is there a speed problem with the sample implementation of (srfi 146 hash)? It's a HAMT package written by Art Gleckler. Note that fectors are a bit specialized: they are very fast for both ref and set if you don't change the "current branch" very often, but slower if you do. Ordinary tree functional vectors have the same big-O no matter what. There will be a fector SRFI. John Cowan http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan co...@ccil.org You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and all other acyclic graphs; you have a right to be here. --DeXiderata by Sean McGrath