Arun Isaac <> writes:

>> It still makes the second and later lines not indented though
>> (starting at position 0, while the first line is indented, not
>> starting at 0).
> Looking at the guile source code, the lack of indentation in the second
> and later lines seems to be the convention. So, I don't think this is a
> problem. Something like the following is fine.
> (define (foo arg)
>   "This is the first line.
> This is the second line."
>   #t)

This is what I do, too.

Note also that you can add *data* to the procedure, too, by adding a
literal array after the docstring. I use that for the equivalent of
Python doctests, but without the brittleness of writing stringly code:

    (define (example)
       "Testing doctests"
       #((tests ('mytest
              (test-assert #t)
              (test-assert #f))))

- Example:
- Doctest-runner:

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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