I've sent a paper about guile-lua, hope everything is ok ;-P
On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 2:46 PM Amirouche Boubekki
<amirou...@hypermove.net> wrote:
> I did not see this CfP going through Guile mailling list,
> so here is it. Deadline is monday!
> DEADLINE: 9 July 2018, (Any time in the world)
> WEBSITE: https://brinckerhoff.org/scheme2018/
> LOCATION: St. Louis, MO, USA (co-located with ICFP and Strange Loop)
> DATE: 28 September 2018 (Friday)
> The 2018 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop is calling for
> submissions.
> Full papers are due 9 July 2018.
> Authors will be notified by 20 July 2018.
> Camera-ready versions are due 9 September 2018.
> All deadlines are (23:59 UTC-12), "Anywhere on Earth".
> We invite high-quality papers about novel research results, lessons
> learned from practical experience in industrial or educational setting,
> and even new insights on old ideas. We welcome and encourage submissions
> that apply to any language that can be considered Scheme: from strict
> subsets of RnRS to other "Scheme" implementations, to Racket, to Lisp
> dialects including Clojure, Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, to functional
> languages with continuations and/or macros (or extended to have them)
> such as Dylan, ECMAcript, Hop, Lua, Scala, Rust, etc. The elegance of
> the paper and the relevance of its topic to the interests of Schemers
> will matter more than the surface syntax of the examples used. Topics of
> interest include (but are not limited to):
>     Interaction: program-development environments, debugging, testing,
> refactoring
>     Implementation: interpreters, compilers, tools, garbage collectors,
> benchmarks
>     Extension: macros, hygiene, domain-specific languages, reflection,
> and how such extension affects interaction.
>     Expression: control, modularity, ad hoc and parametric polymorphism,
> types, aspects, ownership models, concurrency, distribution,
> parallelism, non-determinism, probabilism, and other programming
> paradigms
>     Integration: build tools, deployment, interoperation with other
> languages and systems
>     Formal semantics: Theory, analyses and transformations, partial
> evaluation
>     Human Factors: Past, present and future history, evolution and
> sociology of the language Scheme, its standard and its dialects
>     Education: approaches, experiences, curricula
>     Applications: industrial uses of Scheme
>     Scheme pearls: elegant, instructive uses of Scheme
> Submission Information
> Please submit full papers and experience reports to our Submission Page:
> https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=scheme2018
> [NEW SINCE 2017!] Paper submissions must use the format acmart and its
> sub-format acmlarge. They must be in PDF, printable in black and white
> on US Letter size. Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates for this format
> are available at:
> http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/
> This change is in line with ACM conferences (such as ICFP with which we
> are colocated) switching from their traditional two-column formats (e.g.
> sigplanconf) to the above. While a two-column format with small fonts is
> much more practical when reading printed papers, the single-column
> format with large fonts is nicer to view on a computer screen, as most
> papers are read these days.
> To encourage authors to submit their best work, we offer three tracks:
> * Full Papers, with a limit of 14 pages. Each accepted paper will be
> presented by its authors in a 25 minute slot including Q&A.
> * Experience Reports, with a limit to 14 pages. Each accepted report
> will be presented by its authors in a 25 minute slot including Q&A.
> * Lightning talks, with a limit to 192 words. Each accepted lightning
> talk will be presented by its authors in a 5 minute slot, followed by 5
> minutes of Q&A.
> The size limits above exclude references and any optional appendices.
> There are no size limits on appendices, but the papers should stand
> without the need to read them, and reviewers are not required to read
> them.
> Authors are encouraged to publish any code associated to their papers
> under an open source license, so that reviewers may try the code and
> verify the claims.
> Proceedings will be printed as a Technical Report at the University of
> Alabama at Birmingham.
> Publication of a paper at this workshop is not intended to replace
> conference or journal publication, and does not preclude re-publication
> of a more complete or finished version of the paper at some later
> conference or in a journal.
> Sincerely,
> John Clements, General Chair
> William E. Byrd, Program Committee Chair
> Program Committee:
> Claire Alvis  (Sparkfund, USA)
> William E. Byrd  (Program Committee Chair)  (University of Alabama at
> Birmingham, USA)
> Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert  (Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms,
> Canada)
> John Clements  (General Chair) (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, USA)
> Ronald Garcia  (University of British Columbia, Canada)
> Yukiyoshi Kameyama (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
> Paul A. Steckler (Northeastern University, USA)
> Larisse Voufo (Google, USA)
> Workshop Steering Committee:
> Will Clinger, Northeastern University
> Marc Feeley, Université de Montréal
> Dan Friedman, Indiana University
> Olin Shivers, Northeastern University
> Will Byrd, University of Alabama at Birmingham

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