> Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2016 16:57:35 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Mike Gran <spk...@yahoo.com>
> I guess this question is really for Eli.  I hope he's lurking.

I am.

> So, I'm trying to put together the next release for the
> Guile-ncurses bindings, and I want to drop 1.8.x compat. MinGW
> seems to be stuck on Guile 1.8.8. 
> But MinGW seems to be splitting into two camps, as far as I can
> tell: mingw.org and mingw-w64.org.
> If I wanted to test my upcoming release, which MinGW should
> I using to compile guile-2.0.x and test my new release of
> guile-ncurses?

I only use mingw.org's MinGW, and that's what I used to build Guile
2.0.x (I think I've built 3 different versions over the last few
years).  That said, I don't think the differences between the two
runtimes are so significant as to prevent you from building with one
or the other.  A perhaps more significant issue could be the Windows
64-bit build, because I'm guessing that Guile sources assume that a
'long' is as wide as a pointer, which is not true for 64-bit Windows.
So attempting a 64-bit Windows build might expose some more places
where porting and patches are needed.

You could also decide to just use my precompiled 32-bit MinGW binaries
of Guile 2.0.11, from here:


instead of building Guile on your own, which involves building its
dependencies first, or finding pre-build binaries of them somewhere.
(I assume that building and using guile-ncurses doesn't actually
require building Guile itself first.)

Good luck!

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