I have done similar things using Gimp.

Gimp, as you may know, has a Scheme interface which is very similar to 
Guile, (in fact I believe Guile was forked from the Gimp interpretor).

For example to generate png files from a svg input see


The disadvantage is that it is much slower than imagemagick


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 09:09:04AM +0000, A0 wrote:
     I need to generate an image from raw byte data in my code and
     ImageMagick seems like an obvious choice to do this. But, looking
     http://www.imagemagick.org/script/api.php ,
     I see no Guile API listed.
     Before I get my hands dirty, I'd like to check if someone already
     built a functional API for Guile, or, at least, the chunk of it
     containing the PixelIterator functionality.
     I am also interested in hearing about other Guile-enabled libs
     that can do the same thing, namely, creating an image in some
     of the popular formats.

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