On Tue, 27 May 2014 10:32:59 +0100
mark damerell <markdamer...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your most helpful replies. I did:
> 1:   sudo ldconfig
> Output:
> /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/local/lib/libguile-2.0.so.22.7.2-gdb.scm is
> not an
> ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.

Either forget about it, or remove libguile-2.0.so.22.7.2-gdb.scm and
don't use the guile interface for gdb.  It is a meaningless bleat from
libconfig, which assumes too much about what is in library directories.

> 1: if  gcc  really did not know to search in   /usr/local/lib  I would
> have expected all manner of previous successful compiles to fail.
> File    /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf (date April 2012)  lists
> /usr/local/lib  .
> No file in this directory mentions Guile.

It looks like you just forgot to run ldconfig after installing guile.

> 2: From the man page I expected to have to insert the output
> of  2  into a Makefile. (Which Makefile? where? I dont know. )
> Also I dont think I  sudo-ed  2.


> I intend to use both  make check  and  make installcheck  if I have
> to re-install because they test different things. I feel confident
> that the problem I reported in my OP is much more likely a bug in
> make install   than in   make installcheck  .

I feel confident you are wrong.


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