Hi, a simple suggestion on IRC turned into a quick compilation of useful resources related to learning Guile, and thanks to the welcoming community, quickly developed into the following idea...
Implementation time: about one hour for the bulk of it. (counter already started ;o) Serious time and resources could be thrown at it with sufficient interest and some funding, but to get started, nothing is required. Given the current effort of the GNU project to introduce a GNU Development Network, and the central role Guile is given in the GNU project as the interfacing language of choice, 1. Make a wiki page at http://libreplanet.org/GNU/Guile That page would contain a short introduction to Guile, for people to get into it according to their available time (inspired by http://norvig.com/21-days.html): - no time: http://abstrusegoose.com/249 - minutes: http://www.web-artanis.com/scheme.html (maybe a specific entry* for Guile could go to http://learnxinyminutes.com/ ?) - hour: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/guile-tut/tutorial.html - days: ? Maybe http://download.plt-scheme.org/doc/203/html/t-y-scheme/index.htm would be interesting to update/adapt? - weeks/months: fork https://gitorious.org/learn-x-the-hard-way/learn-x-the-hard-way (ulysses says it would take him a year to write it) - years: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/ More resources: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/resources.html#guile_resources "The community lives on IRC and email." (link, link) * inspiration: http://bzg.fr/learn-emacs-lisp-in-15-minutes.html 2. Move http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/ideas.html to the wiki Ideas are cheap: that's typically something very suited for a wiki, so that anyone can edit the page without having to bother a webmaster into the process. Cut the middleman. Tasks for the webmaster: link to the wiki :) 3. Make a http://libreplanet.org/Group:Guile That way people can advertise the language, and give other people awareness of the community. That could as well make it easier to find "Guilers near you" and other co-learning groups. 3.1 Make a "Guile badge" to link to the Group:Guile That should reflect the liveliness and humor of the community. Here. nalaginrut? :) == hk