It sounds fun although i'm guile newb..i'm just starting to learn how
recursion works and have written few simple functions reading
The_Little_Schemer..It would be cool to have a binary gui for programs
writen in c and has guile as extension language..

On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 7:15 AM, John Darrington <> wrote:

> It sounds like an interesting project.
> The subject line of your post says it is a "GNU Package", but I don't see
> slayer in
> the official list.  Perhaps you mean it is one that you want to submit to
> GNU in the hope that they will adopt it as a package? Or did you mean
> something
> else? Obviously how to it should be laid out will depend on that a lot.
> Like you say, lack of documentation is will be a big factor in getting
> users.
> How will people know how to use it, and perhaps more importantly WHY the
> should
> use it?
> Autotools can indeed be tricky - and a time consuming part of maintaining a
> package - but they do make it a hell of a lot easier for the general public
> to build, especially on wierd systems.
> Lack of features is a concern - but if you have a dedicated user base,
> even a small
> one, you will get requests for them.  However, if you don't have decent
> documentation,
> and a reliable and portable build system, then you won't have any users
> ....
> J'
> On Sat, May 04, 2013 at 11:54:44PM +0200, Panicz Maciej Godek wrote:
>      Hi everyone,
>      I've developed a piece of software that I named SLAYER, by combining
> the
>      letter 's' with the word "layer", or replacing the 'p' letter with
> 's' in
>      the word 'player'.
>      Either way, slayer can be thought of as a simpler alternative for
> wrapper
>      libraries such as guile-sdl and guile-opengl, or as a programming
>      environment that is in a way competetive to Adobe Flash (with
> standalone
>      player). But obviously, it is something completely different.
>      I made this program as a base for research in GUI design, but it also
>      contains a stub of a 3d game engine that I'm planning to implement --
> which
>      explains native support for OpenGL. I recently thought that it also
> could
>      be a great platform for teaching kids to program games, because --
> once
>      compiled and linked -- it could be distributed as a standalone
> package,
>      that requires no additional tools.
>      The program is available through mercurial on bitbucket:
>      hg clone
>      The repository contains README file, which lists packages that are
> needed
>      to build. Except a little mess, there are two demos that show the
>      possibilities of the system. The first one with the command:
>      $ ./slayer -e3d
>      The -e3d option is needed to enable the "3d" extension, which is
> required
>      by the demo. It allows to move around in a 3d space using mouse and
>      keys. There's also a draggable icon and a simple text-console, which
>      accepts s-expressions (evaluated using f1 key). It is activated with a
>      click, but for some reason the cursor isn't always displayed. The
> source
>      file is slayer.scm.
>      The second demo is the classical arcade PONG game (for two players).
> It's
>      written in the raw guile+slayer, so it's pretty lengthy (~160 lines),
> but
>      it should be easily understandable. PONG can be run using
>      $ ./slayer -i pong.scm
>      Both demos use sound, which can be disabled by passing the --nosound
> option
>      in the command line. PONG can also receive the -e3d option, which
> would
>      force it to use opengl for display.
>      Other command line options are undocumented, but they can be easily
> found
>      in slayer.c. I admit that the lack of any documentation can now be
> the most
>      seriously discouraging factor, but I promise to respond to every
> question
>      eagerly.
>      The second most seriously discouraging factor would be the build
> process,
>      which could require manual editing of the Makefile, among others. It
> would
>      be lovely to use the GNU autotools, but they seem so complicated, and
> I
>      thought that since you might have more experience with those, you
> could
>      help me to prepare a decent release, and perhaps to reorganize the
>      structure of the source code.
>      Perhaps the third most seriously discouraging factor (except some
> random
>      crashes that still happen) would be the lack of certain features: I'm
>      trying to apply the 'lazy implementation' strategy and add SDL/OpenGL
>      features only as I need them, and also my priority is to keep
> interfaces
>      simple, even at the cost of programmer's freedom (so for instance,
> there's
>      no option for choosing color index mode in OpenGL, or some other SDL
> video
>      mode than the default).
>      Despite those factors, I'd be happy to hear some feedback from you.
>      Best regards,
>      M.
> --
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*Nesmotren govori kao da mačem probada, a jezik je mudrih iscjeljenje.
Izreke 12:18*

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