On Fri, May 03 2013, Eli Barzilay wrote:

> Three hours ago, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz wrote:
>>   New features:
>>    - New command geiser-insert-lambda, bound to C-c \ in Scheme
>>      buffers (thanks to Ray Racine).
> If you go to the extent of doing this, then maybe it's worth it to do
> more?  I have a file that adds a whole bunch of these things:
> https://github.com/elibarzilay/eliemacs/blob/master/extras/special-chars.el
> (It's obviously better to make that into an independent package, but
> I'm unlikely to get the time to do that.  If anyone wants to make it
> proper I'll be happy to hand it over.)

I'll be happy to include that collection of special chars in Geiser, but
lack the bandwidth to make that an independent package... i might also
provide a "lite" version with only those glyphs with well-known meanings
in Racket/Scheme (such as greek lambda)...

Of course, if anyone has the time and inclination to create an
independent package, whatever Geiser does would be done using it.

Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.
 -Horace, poet and satirist (65-8 BCE)

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