Okay so, for this year's hack, I had originally planned bindings for one of the databases that look cool, but I never have a reason to use: like neo4j. This later morphed into me being a little more boring, and writing a library for dealing with memcached.
The code thus far is available on github at https://github.com/ijp/scheme-memcached and it's almost as featureful as I'd have liked. There is no support for CAS, or for getting statistics for memcached, but you can access most of the other functionality. You can expect a proper 0.1 release some time in the next week or so with such awe-inspiring features as Documentation and a proper Test Suite. :) -- Ian Price -- shift-reset.com "Programming is like pinball. The reward for doing it well is the opportunity to do it again" - from "The Wizardy Compiled"