Hello Guilers!

As you know, this Saturday the 16th of February is the 2-year
anniversary of Guile 2.  Some of us have been preparing little demos to
show off neat facilities and have been getting them ready to share with
each other in a kind of communal hack-feast.

But what does that mean?  Well I don't know :)  But as our comestibles
are digitally digestable, we should share them with the wide world.  It
would be nice to publish an article with a paragraph about your dish
(ok, program) and a link to its source code.  Pictures are great too.
We'll put them all together and make a news item on planet GNU.

I think it would probably be great to do longer articles as well, if
that's your thing.  But the basic thing would be a sentence or two about
what your code does and why you think it's neat, and a link to where to
find it.

Otherwise if folks want to, it might be nice to have an after-dinner
conversation in the #guile IRC channel, from maybe around 12h00 UTC to
whenever; we all have other things to do on Saturdays, but popping in
and popping out we might have chance meetings and random discussions and
such.  Just an idea :)



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