On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Ian Price <ianpric...@googlemail.com> wrote: > > You were probably wanting this to apply to each and every k > individually? syntax-case does not work this way. Patterns with ellipsis > are expected to be matched with templates with ellipsis. Sorry. >
Yes. I see. > using every from (srfi srfi-1) or for-all from (rnrs lists) [same > procedure different name] you get > > (every (compose string? syntax->datum) #'(k ...)) > Great, that did it!. > As an aside, this won't work in Racket, since they also make lists into > syntax objects, unlike psyntax or the r6rs. > By now, this doesn't worry much, but good to know. Thank you so much, Aleix