Hello all,

I pleased to announce the release of Kisê version 0.9.2

Happy hacking,

( get it here )


( website )


( about )

Kisê is a small and easy to use time keeping application.

It can be used in a single user mode or by small organizations. The fields it
handles are: a date, who, for whom, what, a duration, whether or not to be 
and a description.

It includes, on the main application screen, a powerful dynamic filters criteria
mechanism, which lets you visualize, work on and print a subset of your time 

A printing templates system allows you to (pre)define, reuse and hence quickly
generate the pdf files and/or printed reports of your needs.

An export/import facility is under work for remote collaboration.

( changes )

In addition to (a) the usual known bugs fixed, (b) popup menus [internal] signal
handlers have all been redesigned in order to resolve a performance problem. (c)
Although not yet available to users, the import backend functionality has been
added, which requires an update of previous database schema versions. If you are
already using Kisê, make a backup of your database(s) [you never can be too
carefull] and accept the necessary schema update which will be offered through a
popup dialog at first launch or connect time [if you have several databases].

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